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Ended up getting 152. This game was overall nice to play though!

(1 edit) (+1)

Cool project! For 3 hours the game feels pretty well put together. Some feedback below:

  • Sometimes pieces just don’t fit where they should… For example I was not able to fit this piece snug in the 3 wide area above but this is to be expected with any jam game, especially one made in 3 hours! If you decide to revisit this project or anything like that I would be interested to see what was causing this bug. Perhaps a devlog explaining your process and the code you used?

  • Near the end of the game, if I was given pieces that didn’t fit I would have to just run out the timer. It might have been nice to a) have the game end if you were not able to place any of the pieces you were given, or b) generate at least one piece that can always be placed.

EDIT: Also my high score was exactly 198. Looks like the current high score lives on!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks alot :D

First off: the piece-that-can't-move-somewhere is a bug that I knew about, and I assume it has to do with how I manage collision, so that pieces don't go off the board. But I couldn't afford the time to fix it, but if I do come back to it, it would certainly be on the todo list.
Second: yeah the end is not very well planned. I used the timer as a mean to end the game, either by not placing a piece in time, or because you don't have pieces that fit. Again, proposing pieces that would fit would have taken too much time (especially checking if any piece could fit anywhere on the board, considering all of the possibilities, between positions, rotations, and flips)

With three hours you can't do much, but it is a very good way to prototype stuff, and if I get back on the project someday, I would polish it out as much as possible.

Anyways, I'm happy you liked my game (btw while in dev I think I managed to get over 210 points or something, but since it was while developping the game, and I don't remember the precise score, I couldn't put it on the highscore)

(Feedback is always great to have, thanks alot :D)

Of course! By game jam standards, the game is quite polished (: